Email Attachment: How to Send It in Gmail

Email Attachment

Before I show you how you can send Email Attachment, we need to know what is meant by attachment and its importance. So, in this tutorial, we are going to:

  1. Define email attachment.
  2. Know the reasons for sending email with attachment.
  3. Know what to consider before sending attachment.
  4. Send email with file attachment.
  5. Send email with folder attachment.

However, before we continue, if you don’t have knowledge about email, please click here to learn. I also recommend these lessons for you: Create Gmail Account | Step-by-Step and How to Send Email Using Gmail Account. You should follow the lessons as stated sequentially.

What Is Email Attachment?

This is a file or folder added to an email message for many reasons. We are going to see those reasons behind using attachment. One or more files are sent along an email, those files that can be sent include: image, video, audio and document. Moreover, you can even send the entire folder containing related files.

Reasons for Sending Email with Attachment:

These are some of the reasons you may need to send attachments:

  1. File Sharing: This is the major reason for using attachment in email. You can share file with your loved ones, relatives etc. using attachment. Such as pictures of your wedding.
  2. Job Resume/CV: You can send your job resume or CV to your employer through email. The resume suppose to be well typed in word processing package such as Microsoft Word and saved. Then, you attach it to your email as we are going to see it soon.
  3. Backup: You can backup your valuable document by using this service. That is to say, you can attach the document and send it to your email (in this case, you are the sender and at the same time the recipient).

What To Consider Before Sending Attachment?

However, you need to consider the attachment size before even starting to do so. This is because, email service providers differ in term of maximum size of attachment. However, Gmail allow you to attach file or folder that does not exceed 25MB. Therefore, reason for that and check your email provider rule and that of the recipient’s.

Without considering this your attachment will not be sent, or it may be sent but the receiver will not receive it, because the size of the attachment violets his email provider. So, always remember this.

Send Email with File Attachment:

As I mentioned earlier, you can send files along with your email. These files can be in any format, but remember its size. Now, we are going to see how you can send an image file, follow me step-by-step:

Step 1: Sign in to your email account. If you don’t know how to do this, check this tutorial; How to Send Email Using Gmail Account.

Step 2: Click Compose button from the top-left corner of your screen.

Step 3: From the window that appears, type the recipient address in the To field (example,

Step 4: Type the title of the message in the Subject field. In this example, write without quote “ABK File Attachment“.

Step 5: Type the message in the body, this is the widest area between the Subject field and Send button.

Step 6: Click the attachment button Attachment button Inbox Gmail, an upload file dialog box will appear.

Step 7:  From the dialog box that appears, go to the location where you save the file you are attaching (for this tutorial, we are going to upload an image as mentioned early. So, we are going to check the Picture folder from the left pane of the dialog box).

Step 8: Click on the picture you are attaching, then click Open button at the bottom-right corner of the dialog box and wait for the file to upload.

Step 9: Read and make correction of possible typing errors in the body of your message. Then click Send button to send your mail.

Send Email with Folder Attachment:

Sometimes you will need to send many files at once and in a folder. To achieve this, you have to compress the folder using file/folder compressing application such as .7zip file manager or the default one that comes with your windows. However, remember the folder size matters, make it small as much as possible.

Now, we are going to see how you can compress a folder and send it as attachment. Follow me step-by-step to achieve this:

Compress a Folder:

Remember, I am not going into details of what compressing is all about. We are just going to limit ourselves on the basic of folder compressing. To compress a folder using windows default, follow these steps:

Step 1: Right-click on the folder you want to compress.

Step 2: Point at Sent to from the menu that pup-up.

Step 3: Click on Compressed (Zipped) folder the next menu.

Step 4: Wait for the folder to be compressed. After the folder is compressed, it will look like this:Zipped folder

Send Folder Attachment:

Now, that we have our folder ready to be attached to our email, let’s see how to achieve that:

Step 1: Sign in to your email account. If you don’t know how to do this, check this tutorial; How to Send Email Using Gmail Account.

Step 2: Click Compose button from the top-left corner of your screen.

Step 3: From the window that appears, type the recipient address in the To field (example,

Step 4: Type the title of the message in the Subject field. Example, “ABK Folder Attachment

Step 5: Type the message in the body, this is the widest area between the Subject field and Send button.

Step 6: Click the attachment button Attachment button Inbox Gmail, an upload file dialog box will appear.

Step 7:  From the dialog box that appears, go to the location where your compressed folder is.

Step 8: Click on the compressed folder, then click Open button at the bottom-right corner of the dialog box and wait for the folder to upload.

Step 9: Read and make correction of possible typing errors in the body of your message. Then click Send button to send your mail.


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